my precious women/moms club

A special sisterhood developed with the moms of my kids’ friends and classmates from early years and elementary school. Like a solidarity among starngers in a happy detention camp. Our kids came to our world and we had no clue what to do with them. Are we doing the right thing? Are our feelings of Frustration Fear anxiety justified?? Are we making the right recipes? Are we being too sensitive? Too protective? We reach this parenting status with no direction. Our moms really come from a different world, so we cannot rely on their advice. So we develop this tight bonding with these women.. We are all in the same boat. I loved all my sisters. I felt so relieved when I saw them in the mornings, at drop off, at the many happy school events, that I would skip all the meetings in the world to attend; at pick up time, in the playgrounds after school. Seeing them made me feel specially relieved. As if my worries were all on a break. I learned how to relax, and feel good about parenting from them, along with making chocolate chip cookies, special holiday recipes (from Generous Ingrid), decorating the house for special seasons (from Solid Karin), cooking healthy and colorful stuff, decorating a balanced colorful lunchbox with proteins, vegetables, fruits and dairy (Suhaila and Hala), choosing games. Waiting for kids while having coffee reassured that our kids are safe and having fun on campus was the best way to spend afternoons. I put all my judgment, worries and questions to rest, while having coffee and oatmeal cookies at Elsa’s with many other relaxing mommies. Nothing mattered. Total worriless times. These sisters were my anchors. I miss them.

I love you Ruba, Suhaila, Lina (and Jad), Elsa, Claire, Ingrid, Hala, Lubna, Karin, Rima, Jetti, Bassima, Mira, Jennifer, Julia, Mayda, Anna, and many others for all your love and support. Now that the kids are grown, we retire. Now many of us are lost with an irrelevant identity. 


the next level


fried onions