Still life 1

(100x100cm mixed media)

When I was organizing my fabric shelves, I found solutions to old open problems. To complete some long forgotten unfinished project, I could use that forgotten long orphaned piece of garment… So I started pairing found pieces with unfinished thoughts and projects in a game of solitary cleanup.

Still Life 2

(100x100cm mixed media)

All the mini thoughts that failed to make it after trials and errors fell into a mysterious purgatory-like abyss.. I found them years later, lovingly stitched onto pockets on the inner lining of small jackets, sewn with love from small squares of linen and silk collected from all over the world.

still life 3

(100x100cm mixed media)

As I was looking at the composition in my fabric patchwork, I spotted an isolated out of the way segment… I eyed it… and decided to inspect it later. They next day I gave it my ear and knew it had a lot of hidden stories that wanted to burst but the seam was too tight… AS soon as I undid it, an sea of untold stories burst out.