
Solitude Standing


When you edit now what you had written 100 moods ago, your writings become so boringly uniform and predictable, as if one flavor dominates all the seasons; as if you have flattened the development of your creation, and composed your piece over one single octave.




We all need an anchor in our lives. We hope it is non-human, so we don’t lose it; maybe a skill, a flexible hobby, a talent that does not deceive us… a self perpetual happiness

crystal Doll.jpg

Crystal Ball


Looking to the side of the road on the corner, and right before making the abrupt turn, I saw her: an older lady, not too old, dressed in a big wide round house robe.. she was very round.. sitting on the balcony facing her own walker. Her grandchildren, (or was it her nieces and nephews) were coming in turn to giver her a kiss and moved on. She was being Skipped. They were all headed somewhere, but not her. Made me think how, on that same morning, I was left on the side as well… Lately I stopped getting asked to join hiking or biking trips, because of my withering knees. It started to seem natural to tell me goodbye and to move on. I joined those who would wait on the side, and who get told the hike is 2 hours long; wait here please; this is the wifi password: You can have coffee, or have something to eat. I sat on the side with some elderly ladies. It did not bother them. They were used to it. There were also two moms with newborn babies.


My Naughty Madonna

(70cm x70cm, acrylics)

Many times the brush itself, its smoothness, the way its bristles are assembled, the angle at which its handle is connected to its heel, the grip of its handle, are all predispositions that dictate our composition